Mobile and email Marketing / 2 posts found

Effective Email Marketing

by Cluffty-WP_Numero-1
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Email is a brilliant marketing tool. Useful for product and service oriented businesses alike, email marketing is “green”, cost-effective, and easy to implement. In addition, email is the primary form of business communication (as opposed to social media). Email marketing is also very effective, netting almost $45 ROI per every dollar spent. However, it is also very easy to get wrong. The average consumer receives 110 marketing emails per week in his inbox (so, not counting spam or messages that end up in the spam folder). Out of those emails, the average consumer will only open approximately 33 of them […]

Making Social Media Count

by Cluffty-WP_Numero-1
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Social media is a great tool for a business, but only if used correctly. Social media puts your message into the hands of the consumers; they can post bad reviews, trash your product, and advise their friends to never come to your establishment. Consumers can list what’s great that you offer and what could use some redesign. They can also provide rave reviews that result in your sales going up exponentially. Quite simply, that is a lot of power to put in the hands of a consumer – use it wisely. There are three key elements that you should keep […]